Ayurveda Consultations

Through the lense of Ayurveda, I determine a person’s unique constitution, identifying any imbalances that may be present, and assist in developing a personalized treatment program based on your lifestyle. Through following an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle program, one is empowered to live a life most balanced for them–harmonizing body, mind and spirit to achieve optimum health and peace of mind for yourself and others.

Whether you are a returning client, or a new one, it’s time to recommit yourself to bringing more balance into your lifestyle. I know it’s essential for you to feel supported and I’m here to offer you that guidance as you deepen your commitment yourself. You deserve to feel better! Chose a program that suits your lifestyle today.

Choose an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Package to set up an on-going system of accountability and direction to meet your health goals.

Ayurveda Plans
Choose the right Ayurveda plan.

Ayurveda Personalized Detox
Ayurvedic cleanse is an excellent way to re-balance our bodies and minds through optimized digestion. Take time during this change of season to slow down and simplify your diet and routine.

I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to put my life together. I didn’t know what to expect when I made a first consultation appointment, but I was kind of lost and desperately wanted to get out of the situation. I was physically not doing well, and emotionally really down… You really made me feel comfortable to open up about myself and following your advice, I made a lot of small changes, and that made a big difference. I gained 10lb since I met you and now my energy level really is up, and am motivated to do something.  I can really feel that I am getting stronger. I learned a lot about myself and how to take care of myself, and I guess I will keep learning—One thing leads to the other…. (I will continue my small routines, too!!)…The first time I met you, I really felt comfortable and I am so grateful that you really worked with me. Following your advice, I have had a lot of “aha” moments, and it’s amazing to realize how much they mean to me. I really admire what you do, and you really have inspired me. Thank you for all of your warm support!! -M.K.